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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hackers to taget Adobe in 2010

The latest report by McAfee has pointed out that in 2010, Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader will be primary target for hackers. The "2010 Threat Predictions" report says that hackers are shifting their attention from Microsoft Office application to Adobe products as they become more popular, according to PC World.

"Cybercriminals have long picked on Microsoft products due to their popularity. In 2010, we anticipate Adobe software, especially Acrobat Reader and Flash, will take the top spot," reports McAfee. For a long Microsoft was the primary target of hackers but the software giant has tightened security in its recent OS releases, leading hackers to look for additional targets

Friday, December 18, 2009

Twitter hacked and defaced by “Iranian Cyber Army”

On 17th of this month twitter was hacked and defaced by “Iranian Cyber Army” . Twitter went offline for several hours . The defaced message read

Iranian Cyber Army



U.S.A. Think They Controlling And Managing Internet By Their Access, But THey Don’t, We Control And Manage Internet By Our Power, So Do Not Try To Stimulation Iranian Peoples To….

Take Care.

Below is the Google search result of Twitter

Islamic Terrorists hacks US drone video feeds

Terrorist of Iraq with the support of some Iranian hackers have hacked the video feeds of US pilot-less Predator Drone plane .The US military is reported to be in quiet uproar after it emerged that Iraqi terrorists have hacked and monitored the video feeds from Predators, pilotless aircraft used for unmanned surveillance.

Terrorists Used SkyGrabber Software to Hack Drone Video Feeds .Skygrabber,is a just US$25.95 Windows application.Using this software terrorist intercepted live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they need to evade or monitor U.S. military operations.This incident raised fears of remote control operated unmanned crafts being taken over and used against British and American targets.Though the insurgents were not able to control the 20 million dollar aircraft with their latest hacking techniques, they could watch live video feeds

The wall street journal said that the US military discovered their video feeds were being hacked late last year when they confiscated a terrorist laptop containing multiple copies of video feeds from Predator drones.

The military's suspicions were confirmed in July this year when further hacked video feed files were found on other confiscated laptops "leading some officials to conclude that militant groups trained and funded by Iran were regularly intercepting feeds".

Monday, December 14, 2009

Metasploit 101 Total Tutorial

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How to use Cain and Abel.

Hacking with Cain and Abel and How to get in to another computer using a great software Cain and Abel, Educational purposes only. Its not my responsibility what you do after watching this video.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to use nmap

How to scan an ip adddress for open ports via nmap for hacking

How to scan an ip adddress for open ports via nmap for hacking .This video shows how Ip address can be scanned using nmap

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Get Unlimited Free Google Wave Invitations

This is how you can get unlimited free Google Wave Invitations .The mandatory requirement for this trick is that ,you have at least One Google Wave Account and atleast One Google Wave Invitation left to send other people.

Step 1 -Go to http://www.gmail.com and create a new account.
Step 2 -Login at http://www.googlewave.com
Step 3 -Click Invite Others to Google Wave and write your Gmail address at Enter an Email Address Box.

Step 4 -Login at http://www.gmail.com with Id that you created in Step 1 and click Inbox. Accept the Invitation and you will be redirected to your New Google Wave Account.
Step 5 -Now you can see 8 Invites in your new Google Wave Account. So just follow Step 3 everytime wen u want to Invite some one but use his emaill address in email address box and wen you have only 1 Invite left follow the whole procedure again.

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