xmlns:fb=’http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml’ Wanna HacK 0rkuT Acc0unTs try this ?????? | Ethical Security


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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wanna HacK 0rkuT Acc0unTs try this ??????

The article below explains the method to hack orkut account by stealing cookies. Hacking orkut accounts has become much popular and hence i have added this article which will help you in hacking your friends orkut account. Just ask the victim to copy the script in address bar and then you will be able to login/access /hack his orkut account. The another method for hacking orkut accounts is by means of phishing which i have explained in my post Using phishing to hack accounts.

Note: My purpose is only to make u aware of what's happening around and not to teach u hacking orkut, gmail or any account in any sort!!.

Procedure for hacking orkut by cookies stealing from mozilla firefox to hack gmail or orkut is given below.

"Hacking orkut or Gmail" With the Help of Cookies or by "stealing cookies" of the victim:

By going through this post i hope you will understand how easy has hacking became with the help of cookies.

The post explains how one can steal cookies to hack orkut account or gmail account. No password cracking method required. Neither i will ask u to download any costly software. Only what u have to do is send the below mentioned script to the victim and ask him to copy paste in his address bar. Once thats done, you can access his account easily and do whatever u want.

By this post you'll be learning cookie stealing and Hacking orkut Or Gmail account. Orkut or any account can also be hacked by using Keylogging.

Update: I have been reported by many visitors that this hack has worked for all of them. Thus, this account hacking trick is working 100%....cheers.....

Procedure to hack gmail or orkut through mozilla by stealing cookies:-

1.Firstly you need have Mozilla firefox.
2.Download cookie editor plugin for Mozilla firefox from:


3.You need to have two fake accounts to Hack Orkut or Gmail , So that you have to receive cookies to one Orkut account and other Orkut account for Advertising your Script, Well it depends on your Choice to have Two Gmail(Orkut) accounts.

Cookie Script:


How to use cookies script?

1. Replace your number "UserId.value=33444211"
How to Replace your Number
1. Go to your album
2. Right click on any Photo> Properties>55886645.jpg It will be a Eight Digit Value.
3. Now replace your value with the value in the java script.

Your script will look like.


2.Now send this Cookie script to the victim and ask him to paste in Address bar and Press enter

3.You'll Get his cookie in your scrap book.

4.After Getting a cookie go to your orkut Home page , Then click on Tools tab and then go to cookie editor plugin( Tools--> Cookie editor)

5.click filter/refresh.look for 'orkut_state' cookie. just double click it and replace the orkut_state part with your victim's Script
put ur eight digit number in the place of (33444211).

Thats it your done with.

Logout of your orkut and login again and you'll be in your victims Homepage.


Deepak Jain said...

No 8 digit no. appears when we right click on photo.. can u tell me wht to do..

Abhishek said...

what ever appears before .jpg is the actual number use that

Anonymous said...

i m not understanding

1. Go to your album
2. Right click on any Photo>Properties>55886645.jpg It will be a Eight Digit Value.
3. Now replace your value with the value in the java script.

......You'll Get his cookie in your scrap book.


click filter/refresh.look for 'orkut_state' cookie. just double click it and replace the orkut_state part with your victim's Script

and write details about number before .jpg

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